Language & Integration.

With language to success.

Officially recognized
for your application

For life in Germany

Our integration courses help people from a wide range of countries to acquire basic German skills. Our offer provides practical support to help you quickly find your way in your new everyday life.

Our range of German integration courses also includes integration courses with literacy and remedial courses. Experienced and dedicated teachers guarantee qualified instruction of a high standard.

We provide:

  • Assessment testwith course recommendation
  • Consulting & Supportfor applying for an integration course
  • Very good reachabilitycentral location near train stations
  • DTZ exam “Deutsch Test für Zuwanderer”
  • TELC Deutsch B2 examofficially recognized certificate
  • Test “Leben in Deutschland”for German citizenship

Discover our courses


Get your language and integration course and integration-coaching 100% funded.

For many participants, our courses are free of charge. Get in contact, we will be happy to check for you whether the costs are covered for you or a subsidy is granted.

What fits you?

FITS is a guarantee of quality

Certified by the Hanseatic Certification Agency (HZA), we offer our services to the German National Employment Agency. We are also certified by the Association of Professional Training Hamburg (Weiterbildung Hamburg)
and are a member of the National Association of Professional Training (BBB), as well as being a member of a network for medium-sized business consultancies (IBWF).

Our Training and Projects are subject to rigid quality controls by our public contracting authorities.


Every integration course consists of a language course and an orientation course. Anyone who wants to live in Germany should speak German.

In the language course, participants learn the German language up to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. This is important in order to find work, fill out applications or to be able to communicate in everyday life.

In addition, foreigners should also know a few things about the country in which they live: History, culture and legal system are among them. All this is taught in the orientation course.
After completion of the integration course, we offer the possibility of booking further integration courses with us. In addition, we offer so-called bridging courses in case you cannot continue immediately after the course. Please contact us for further information!
If you already have some knowledge of German, we recommend that you take a placement test. This will secure you a place in the right level of a German course for you and shorten the duration of the course.
For many participants, our measures are free of charge. We will be happy to check for you whether the costs are covered or a subsidy is granted.
You will take the placement test on our premises at Bürgerweide 4. Please contact us to inquire about the date in advance.
In Germany, people who hold a foreign passport and live in Germany can generally enroll in an integration course. This includes in particular:

New immigrants: people who have newly arrived in Germany and have a residence permit.

People with a migration background: people who already live in Germany and have a foreign citizenship or have a specific residence status that entitles them to participate.

Asylum seekers and recognized refugees: People who have applied for asylum or have been recognized as refugees can generally also attend integration courses.
